Tuesday, June 21, 2016

June 20, 2016

It is pretty and green with grass greening and needing lawn mowed, and most people are out plowing and planting rice, millet, cotton, beans and peanuts etc. We had about 4 inches (about 254 mm) last week. The "roads" are with deep water holes and mud. So far most of the water holes are only 12 inches deep but that will increase with more rain. 
Some days we are busy and some not so busy with surgeries, consults, and maternity etc. We were having generator problems everyday for awhile but that seems to have straightened out somewhat now. There are quite a few on medicine service now. Friday eve I picked up Zach at Kelo after he had returned from NDJ on some hospital business. The drive to Kelo is about 1 1/2 hrs even though it is only 45 km (25 miles) The bus from NDJ was late so we got back from Kelo about 2200. Then at 0200 had to see an OB with previous c-section x2 and a small pelvis in active labor so did a c-section and got back to bed about 0500. Then got up at 0630 to go to branch SS at 0700 then to church at 1030. I slept some before and during potluck lunch and in the afternoon. I was feeling weak. In the evening we had a retained 2nd twin with arm presentation in a 18 yr old that delivered 1st twin at home. I finally managed to change it to a footling breech but she was having no contractions and the cervix had clamped down some. Finally delivered with lots of pulling but the retained head took a lot of time. Of course the baby was dead. Sunday morning at 0500 we went to Moundou as I had agreed to do some surgeries there (probably a mistake). I did 4 ortho cases that were very difficult. Fortunately Zach drove the vehicle for which I was very thankful as I was not feeling well and came back in the evening 3 hours each way. By then I was aching all over and had headache and no appetite. It seemed like malaria so began the Malarone and some ibuprofen and wet the bed with sweat. I feel a little better today. I rested this afternoon. No surgeries today or complicated maternity although an incarcerated hernia came but I was able to reduce it so it can be done later. 
Today we had the prefet (chief) come by the hospital with a bunch of military and the MCD etc. They went through the whole hospital I think then had an assembly to talk which was another 2 hours. He talked about how bad expired meds were and lack of compassion and not sure what all. Some say he is quite deranged. The MCD gave a power point on free meds and some history of such in Chad. As best as I could tell as I could not understand the prefet's speech very well. Previously they made us throw away a lot of perfectly good meds because they were short dated or past date. Olen has previously presented many studies including some by the US military that show most meds are good for many years beyond their expire date. A lot of this is gimmicks by the drug companies so they can sell more meds but unfortunately ignorance costs lots of money and lives. 
We are looking forward to the return of Olen, Danae, and the kids July 1. They have had a nice deserved vacation which one needs after working here awhile. 
We recently had an email from someone in Australia that reads our blog. We appreciate emails. It makes life a little easier. 
Love,  Rollin and Dolores Bland
Hopital Adventiste de Bere
Boite Postal 52
Kelo, Tandjile, Chad, Afrique

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

June 14, 2016

There are people searching for something better in life, people who want to learn more about Jesus and the Bible. "God Pods" are an easy way to give the Bible to people that you might not reach otherwise, and a high percentage of people here in Chad are illiterate. However, they can listen to these devices that have recorded much of the Bible, and have their friends and neighbors listen as well. With heavy usage these God Pods last about a year. Some have solar panels on them so they can recharge the batteries. People have come to know Jesus through these $30 devices. Maybe it’s a project that you can donate to. These God Pods can go where you cannot go. They can be recorded in whatever language.

It is very difficult to get Christian literature into this country, with lots of hassles and expense to get it across the border from Cameroon. Everything imported has to come through the country of Cameroon. If we had our own printing press here in Chad it would be much less expensive, and literature could be more available. Jonathan Dietrick here has been working on this project and researching options and cost. Initially maybe a small digital printer (about $3000) could be used until a larger one was needed or replace it. Unfortunately most of them say they should not be used in heat over 90F, so a room would require A/C which would require a generator to run it and the press. There is no reliable public power in the country although some public power is in N’Djamena (NDJ) and Moundou but not reliable. Probably need about $10000 for that.

A window of opportunity is open now for a Christian 1000-watt FM radio station in NDJ. The paper permission work is promised without cost now and the equipment for it has been promised from a donor. That power would reach about 100 km (about 60 miles) radius which could cover NDJ and some of the surrounds. We need a suitable piece of property maybe on the south edge of NDJ. Don't know cost of that yet. Maybe a suitable 1 or 2 hectares in edge of NDJ that could have the printing operation, the radio station, and maybe the mission headquarters together to create more efficiency. Of course need money for the buildings also. The radio station would need A/C also. The main thing that is needed is a person with communication and radio skills to operate the station until maybe a Chadian could be trained to do it. (Maybe a year or so.) The person needs to know French.

Maybe The Lord will impress some of you who read this to help Contact us for further details.

Our emails are drbland@sbcglobal.net and dfbland01@gmail.com
Rollin and Dolores Bland
Hopital Adventiste de Bere
Boite Postal 52
Kelo, Tandjile, Chad, Afrique

Monday, June 6, 2016

June 6, 2016

It was beginning to get a little dry since the last rain one week ago but today we got 0.9 inches very rapidly with strong wind. Everyone is busy working ground and planting. It has really greened up in fact some lawn is needing to be mowed. "Roads" are full of huge water holes now. Mango season is about past. 
The hospital has been slow EXCEPT for maternity. I have done c-sections for shoulder presentation (today), ecclampsia, previous c-section for various reasons and prolapsed cord all within past two weeks. Have done a few vacuum extractions in fact one each night past 3 nights. Also have had an ectopic pregnancy, tuboovarian abcess, also hysterectomy for 2.5 kg fibroid uterus. Surgery otherwise has been slow. 
Our phone and internet has been totally nonfunctioning part of the time ie. 3 days after the last rain storm but only a several hours today. It is never very good.

I had the talk for church this past Sabbath on "Two Lost Boys" also the story is known as "The Prodigal Son" Those that knew the languages better than me said my translator was not very accurate and sort of had his own version part of the time. 
Dolores is on "vacation" now!!! Anyway she misses the kids a lot. They will be back July 1. She is trying to do some sewing and some house cleaning and reading. We are healthy presently although I had vomiting and diarrhea 2 weeks ago and some diarrhea today but seem ok now. 
Our emails are drbland@sbcglobal.net and dfbland01@gmail.com
Love, Rollin and Dolores
Hopital Adventiste de Bere
Boite Postal 52
Kelo, Tandjile, Chad, Afrique