9 Nov 2016
Danae and Juniper left early Sunday on a bus to NDJ to catch a flight to DC, USA because Danae noticed a medial visual field defect in bight light Sat in her right eye.
Olen and I did not detect anything unusual in her fundiscopic exam but it was non-dilated exam. They arrived in DC early yesterday Tuesday morning and appointment to get MRI of head. She is to get results today Wednesday and see a neuro ophthamologist today(Thursday). Meantime Juniper is sick and was admitted to the hospital with fever, possible malaria They are at the University of Maryland hospitals (later: MRI is normal, no evidence of MS or tumors)
Since Sat night we have had lots of Gyn cases here. I have done 2 ectopic pregnancies, 2 c-sections (one for ruptured uterus and completely open bladder and one for transverse lie), 4 curettages (one for one of the largest molar pregnancies with over 4 liters of material), 2 for incomplete abortios, one for retained placental fragments ).
The for 3 day post partum superior artery part of intestine volvulus that was necrotic and was resected is not doing well.
Recently we had a man with left chest gunshot entrance and exit wounds x2 (somehow missed his heart) with pneumothorax and lots of subcutaneous emphysema (air under skin) A chest tube was placed and he is doing well. He was shot by police when he was "in a fight with someone".
We recently had an AKA amputation above knee on lady that had just had bare bone below her knee. She had gotten her leg caught in a belt on a power thrasher a few months ago and had been in another hospital. Also recently had a ruptured gall bladder that had a very thin wall but necrotic part of wall that at first thought was from a perforated gastric ulcer but could find none and patient did well post cholecystectomy. We did have a perforated gastric ulcer yesterday. We have an ileiopsoas abcess to drain.
Today we saw a boy with a hernia from a bicycle handle bar jabbing him in the abdomen.
We have had a lot of abcesses lately in various places including neck, chest, thigh, labia, leg, arm, etc. One boy died today with abcess of arm and thigh that began bleeding various places apparently septic in spite of antibiotics.
Dolores has had pain in her right knee that extends into her thigh and inner lower leg almost the whole time since we have been back here. It gets better with rest and less pain if standing. It seems muscular but sometimes it seems to be joint. Is taking ibuprofen and paracetamol to rest.
Today our computer system has totally quit. Olen has tried different things but no avail. Zachary Jensen maybe can help via phone as he helped install it and to fix problems before. He is 9 time zones away.
Today is a bad day with computer system failure, Juniper and Danae not well and long way distant, and Trump elected president of USA. He seems to me to be the most vulgar, anti-religous freedom, bellicost, isolationist, anti-minority, non loyal to international friends, etc. man ever to be in that position.
The "last day movements will be rapid ones"
Our emails are drbland42@gmail.com and dfbland01@gmail.com
Continue to remember us in your prayers.
Rollin and Dolores Bland
Hopital Adventiste de Bere
Boite Postal 52
Kelo, Tandjile, Chad, Afrique
Blog www.weareamissionarybland.blogspot.com