Saturday, February 28, 2015

January 18, 2015

It is still "cold" with lows down to 50F but the dust is clearing so maybe it will begin to warm up a bit. The humidity is very low so things dry very rapidly. 
The busy season has finally struck for surgeries. We did 51 Monday through Friday which involves some long hours. Most of them are hernias and hydroceles but a few hysterectomies and appendix, etc. Had another with calculi in his bladder and penis. We had an intussisseption, a strangulated hernia, and a ruptured liver abcess today (we thought it was a bowel perforation at first but could find none anywhere). 
Danae and Olen have been busy trying to take care of some thief employees. It is amazing that the hospital has been able to stay solvent with so much that was being stolen. One main person was one that had helped catch the previous administrator with his large amount of stealing but now this one was doing just as much. I guess he let the devil get into him as he had said almost a year ago that someone had put a curse on him and he was afraid.  He was acting strange many months ago but thought it was anxiety which maybe it was in that he was afraid he would be caught then. The Lord has blessed this hospital in spite of all the problems. The stealing was from patients not from donations. When Jesus was here on earth he cleaned out the temple which had been made into a "den of thieves" but was to be a house of prayer. This is God's institution. Maybe we are not praying enough. Paul says to "pray without ceasing" which of course mneans to be in an attitude of prayer and talking to God all the time as our closest friend. "Resist the devil and he will flee from you". The devil has lots of power and control of many peoples lives. Many here wear some sort of amulets to keep the "evil spirits" away. Back home in the USA the devil just works in different ways but comes into most homes through the "one eyed monster" in the living room or he just keeps us so busy that we leave out God in our daily lives. 
Continue to pray for us and God's work. When are people going to be truly converted and be ready for Jesus soon return both here and back "home"?

Our emails are and
Love, Rollin and Dolores
Hopital Adventiste de Bere
Boite Postal 52
Kelo, Tandjile, Chad, Afrique

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