Wednesday, August 26, 2015

August 26, 2015

Yesterday Olen, Danae, Lyol, Zane, and Addison arrived by bus to Kelo from NDJ and we picked them up there and brought them back to Bere. So good to have them back again. Addison is talking more and more even since we saw them just 3 weeks ago. Olen had to go back to NDJ to fly tomorrow to Abijan, Cote Ivoire for the Global Health Conference and returns in a week. Of course it takes some time to get adjusted to the time zone changes. Danae did some consults and rounds on medicine and peds this afternoon even though she was still tired.

Last week I did 40 surgeries but this week looks to be slower. I had another hemithyroidectomy yesterday. I also began an attempt to take off a large mass on a head which had to abort the attempt as it had a large connection to the aorta I think. Anyway it seemed to be some sort of cancer from inside the cranium so I managed to get the bleeding stopped and the wound closed. It was scary for a bit. Today we had a torsion of a large ovarian mass that was interesting. We have had 3 ectopic pregnancies in the past two days. Today also had a c-section and a vacuum delivery. Both babies are alive but they should have come in sooner.

The road from here to Kelo is pretty good by Chadian standards meaning it is still passable maybe even in a car if have high clearance. We did the 25 miles yesterday in about an hour although took longer coming back so as to not hit the bumps quite so hard with a load. The countryside is pretty and green now although the rice fields are not flooded as they should be at this time of year. The cotton is blooming and the millet and peanuts are maturing. Tonight is a beautiful moonlit night. 

Still no word if or when someone will be coming to finish our buildings esp the electric and plumbing, We still need your prayers and support.

Our emails are and
Love, Rollin and Dolores

Rollin and Dolores Bland
Hopital Adventiste de Bere
Boite Postal 52
Kelo, Tandjile, Chad, Afrique

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