Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Thank you for all your birthday best wishes and comments. We celebrated the Friday the 13th beginning the day before at 0400 with a c-section then driving to Moundou and doing 2 fracture femur intramedullary nails then driving back to Bere after dark through all the ox carts, stalled vehicles, pedestrians, goats, cows, etc arriving in Bere about 2100 and had an OB waiting that had a transverse lie presentation and baby had huge hydrocephalus so a c-section. Then Friday at 0400 had a difficult forceps delivery with baby with abnormally large head compared to rest of body and also a heart problem murmur and died some hours later. Friday was a normal day otherwise. Dolores made a birthday cake and supper and had invited some people over in the late afternoon. At midnight was called for another OB with breech presentation but her 5th pregnancy and by 0300 she had delivered twins normally. Sat morning at 0730 went out to a branch Sab School in the car then it would not start so had to call Dolores to come pick us up with the pickup. The alternator had quit so jump charged the car battery enough to get it back to Bere. (The alternator is now taken off to get repaired in Moundou hopefully) Then at about1000 did a strangulated hernia that required some bowel resection for some dead intestine. It has been relatively quiet since then. We had 3 bowel resections recently, one for intussisseption, one for a resectable cancer, and one for a strangulated hernia with dead intestine. We have had two nonresectable bladder cancers this week. Zach is in NDJ to pick up a new nurse volunteer from Walla Walla, Washington this weekend. Today they called from Moundou wanting me to come do 3 more fracture repairs. Don't know what they are yet. Maybe go there tomorrow Sunday. I don't like to leave Bere uncovered surgery wise. May Psalms 139:23,24 be the prayer of each of us. Our emails are and 
Rollin and Dolores Bland 
Hopital Adventiste de Bere 
Boite Postal 52 
Kelo, Tandjile, Chad, Afrique 

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