Monday, December 14, 2015

Dec. 13, 2015

I was notified Fri. that I was to preach for Sab. (yesterday) for Bere church. I also was singing a duet with Sarah Snyder (a new volunteer graduate nurse that will be here the next 9 months). We sang "O Shepherd Divine" then I talked about the parable of the lost sheep in Luke 15 and Matt 18. After the duet I had mentioned that it would be nice for the "choir" to learn harmony and sing different parts. I did not mention that presently they basically yell as loud as they can in competition with the terrible loud drums with no expression. There were several "amen" when it was mentioned. Olen and I had discussed this a little just before our "evacuation" in Sept.

One of the choir members came over Sat. eve wondering if she could have some lessons on singing so that was encouraging. I am not a music teacher so I don't know how that will go. In the talk I had mentioned that there are several members that have strayed and that we are all to be shepherds to care for them. The pastor was by here today and said he had heard several comments about how practical the talk was so that was encouraging. My translator was Favian, a new graduate finance person here for awhile to help with accounting problems and computer teaching whose mother tongue is French but education in English. Her father is the Health Ministries leader for the West African Division.

The brakes on the pickup have been making a noise for some time. Today I took the front disc brakes apart and put in new pads. One of the rotors or disc is really worn down and needs replaced. Apparrently the brakes were not releasing as they should. The mud and dirt and dust is really hard on vehicles here. I think the deep dirty water that I had driven through was what caused the alternator to go out on our 4-runner. We got the diodes replaced and it works ok now. We still have not been able to get the switch to move out of "lock" or the steering to move on Olen's '91 4-runner.

Our hospital census is staying 50-60 most of the time. We had more surgeries this past week with several hernias and hydroceles, 3 prostatectomies, a 6-kg spleenectomy (so big and heavy it was obstructing his gut and making him short of breath), a bowel obstruction form adhesions, a c-section for eclampsia (seizures, edema, pregnant) and she had twins, bladder stone in a 2-yr old boy, a hymenectomy for imperforate hymen, enucleation of an eyeball in a 18-month old child for huge infection from foreign body that destroyed the eye, etc. We have had several heart failure patients some with bad valvular disease and maybe some with cardiomyopathy from ? I think I have given more furosemide diuretic in the past 2 weeks than in the previous 2 yrs. More common is not enough fluid and not drinking enough fluids.

Dolores is busy sewing some shirts etc. No grandkids here to take care of right now. They are surely missed.
Our emails are and
Rollin and Dolores Bland
Hopital Adventiste de Bere
Boite Postal 52
Kelo, Tandjile, Chad, Afrique

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