Monday, July 25, 2016

July 17, 2016

It has been relatively quiet this past week. Although two of the volunteers were detained and had to pay 3000 cfa "fine" for riding as 2nd passenger on a moto. They had walked almost to the market then was offered a ride then was stopped at the market. Later Olen was talking to the commissair (head of he area police) and found out that the ones who collected the "fine" did not have authority to do so. The commissair was going to "talk to the prefet about it" Haven't heard any more. Incidentally the "prefet" is still around so the rumor that he was sacked was not true.

We had a man come in with a partial obstruction intestine with history of previous surgery elsewhere for a "cancer of the cecum". Not sure what surgery was done. Did not find any evidence of cancer anywhere even though he had been told it was in his liver and kidney also. But now he was obstructed at the cecum and had lots of adhesions. Probably was appendecitis and now was scarred down. We took out his cecum and terminal ilium short amount and reconnected his ilium to his ascending colon. He is doing well post operative. The other man with strangulated hernia and dead intestine that we had to remove is doing well. A man with a neck abcess that was actually improving just gave up and refused to eat and drink even with IV fluids and finally died. We had a thyroidectomy and some hernias and prostatectomies that are all doing ok. We had another 1.7 inches (about 42 mm) 2 days ago so over 3.3 inches this past week.

Dolores has an eye infection that has been painful but hopefully is improving. Addison and Juniper had some sort of eye irritation also.
Our emails are and
Rollin and Dolores Bland
Hopital Adventiste de Bere
Boite Postal 52
Kelo, Tandjile, Chad, Afrique

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