Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Oct 7

We are doing ok.  Dolores and I are not sick.  I had a problem with my shoulder for a while but doing ok now and I guess I strained my back but it is better now.  I got over my bronchitis and malaria finally.   Two of the volunteers that came 3 weeks ago now have malaria.  One of my helpers in surgery, Simeon, has malaria today.  Jamie had it a few days ago but is ok now. 
The hospital is still somewhat slow although it should be picking up soon as rainy season starts winding down and people start harvesting their crops and have more money but today Monday we had a huge rain for about 3 hrs.  They have harvested their millet and sorghum grain already but their main crop rice will be another month yet.  The “roads” are still very bad with deep holes and water.  Jamie went to Moundou thurs and water came over the hood of his pickup in a place or two.  Sabbath we had a man with a shattered jaw and most of his teeth missing on the left side from a gun shot.  He was trying to prevent his wife from being raped by a “policeman” and the policeman shot the man.  He was fortunately hit in the mandible instead of a little bit higher up.  The bullet entered at the angle of the mandible and went out through his mouth knocking out teeth and shattering the mandible on the left.  I don’t know anything to be done for him except try to prevent infection and we are keeping his mouth shut with a band around his head vertically.  Strangely the man who shot him was around today and said he would pay for whatever the hospital charges were.  Others say that he will be going to prison.
We also had two little girls age 9 or 10 in the past two weeks with large masses.  One was a dermoid cyst with hair and bone in it and the other was an ovarian mass maybe a cancer.  Each mass was about 7 inches or more diameter.  We have had 3 abd hysterectomies for huge fibroid uterus recently including one today.  All 3 were very obese also.  
The kitchen sink is hooked up in our new house and we moved some stuff from our container to our house yesterday including our freezer, bed frame, chest of drawers, dresser and mirror (amazingly it did not get broken).   The bathroom is not hooked up yet and still some wiring to finish but it is looking more and more like a house that we might be able to live in eventually.  There are always so many things to get done or things that need repaired etc. There was a man by here today looking for some glasses (about 5.0) we had only some 3.25 which he said helped some.  He said he was the one that planted the mango and Niem trees here over 30 yrs ago.  
Olen, Danae, Lyol, Zane, and Addison should be arriving here about Oct 23.  Of course we are looking forward to that.  They will have been gone from here for 3 months.  Olen and Danae’s wedding anniversary is tomorrow their 6th.  They are celebrating in the Virgin Islands.   
It is a little different here to get a car license renewed.  We started the paper work 2 months ago and have paid almost $400 and still don’t have all the paper work and new tag yet.  The old one expired end of August.  
Our emails are: drbland@sbcglobal.net  and dfbland01@gmail.com   
Love,  Rollin and Dolores

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