The next 2 weeks we will be in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Iceland. We have had problems with our flight from NDJ to CPH Copenhagen. The original Air Moroc was leaving here and arriving in CPH June 3 for $400 each but that flight was canceled. Ethiopian Air is almost $800 but have to leave June 1 to get there in time for all our other reservations (that is the one we are taking at last minute). Turkish Air was available for $1300 with nice schedule and Air France went from $1700 to $2900 as it was being checked. All this for the same destination CPH. Thank you Cathi Spencer and Kermit Netteberg for getting this and the credit card problems all straightened out hopefully.
This week we had another intussisseption requiring resection of terminal ilium and ascending colon. Also had a man with a strangulated hernia for 6 years (that's right 6 years). It had necrosed through and he had an iliostomy through the hernia defect. We resected the bad area of intestine and put it back together. Both patients are doing well. Also another mastectomy for cancer. Our total hospital census is down in the 40's from near 80. People want to be working in their field but we seem to be getting more from long distance. This past evening we had a lady that was horned in the cheek by a bull giving a puncture wound and loosening some teeth. There was another ectopic pregnancy with lots of bleeding. Two more prostatectomies today. Also another 13 yr girl with vaginal tear "from a fall." Don't believe that one for a minute.
Thanks to all who donated for sterilizer. Still negotiating on price.
Be sure to read the blog at about an interesting story how the devil is very involved in every day life and the legal system in Chad.
Our emails are and
Love, Rollin and Dolores Bland
Hopital Adventiste de Bere
Boite Postal 52
Kelo, Tandjile, Chad, Afrique
Love, Rollin and Dolores Bland
Hopital Adventiste de Bere
Boite Postal 52
Kelo, Tandjile, Chad, Afrique
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